Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pure Fucking Brilliance.

Wonder Showzen. MTV2. That is all.

Here is one of my favorite clips/sketches/cartoons...whatever.

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

This is what I will be watching this Sunday LIVE! IN PERSON! Though it's more likely I'll be outside the track, grillin' up some dogs, drinking beer, and chatting with/laughing at the crazy fuckin' redneck locals.

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Also, Will Farrell (star of the forthcoming Talladega Nights:The Ballad of Ricky Bobby movie) will be there as Grand Marshal...exciting? Not so much.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

First Annual Fatass Snack Master Challenge

So Joe and I haven't really hosted a big event at the Cobra Den since the Turducken Bowl (well, aside from the Sopranos season premiere Italian gorge-fest) so our next party is aptly titled the Fatass Snack Master Challenge, as inspired by one of our new favorite reality programs Top Chef on Bravo. What this entails is
tasting twenty snack items (read: whatever your competition brings) BLINDFOLDED. You have 5 minutes to get through your 20 items, guessing or passing on each item. After your turn you get to be part of the audience to watch your fellow competitors guess at whether that's a ding dong or a hostess cupcake. The guest who gets the most items wins a 20 dollar gift certificate to Virgin megastore.

Here are the details:

MAY 1ST (veganism, vegetarianism, or refusal to
consume fast foods are NOT allergies and WILL be

Entry Fee: 1 Snack (please bring enough so that at
least 10 people can have a bite) contained in a plain
brown paper bag, to be discreet.

What (is a snack): Anything that would be or is a part
of junk food. That means things such as, but not
limited to: twinkies, bbq sauce, creamy dressings,
pizza, and on and on and on. Be creative, we're
certainly trying.

Also, performance enhancing substances such as bottles
of wine and more questionable, greener substances are
NOT banned, rather they are encouraged.

So this will be interesting.... Joe (aka Coach)even made a flyer, which totally cracks my shit up.

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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Apparently it's time to go back to school

Or at least this is what NYU and The New School would have me believe. I've been receiving tons of newsletters, flyers, and EMAILS (!)saying that there are lots of affordable grad classes available for me to take this summer. What the fuck. 1. How the hell did NYU get my home address and private email and 2. I have no desire to go back to class (unless it's a cooking class, which Joe and I might actually do at the Culinary Institute of America). At any rate, it's annoying. As for the cooking/foodie classes, Joe found some amazing one-day-only classes at CIA for a pretty decent price--classes like "Signature NY restaurant dishes" "Soul Food" and (of course) "Southern BBQ). I think i'm going to let him take one first to see if it's even worth it, but i think they have couples classes and i'm pretty certain they offer one at the Beer Garden. Sign me up!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Rounding out my first year in NYC

The warming weather--and the fact that I splurged on my first cold-hot chocolate of the summer at City Bakery today--has prompted me to realize that I have been in New York for almost a year..just a month and a half short, I believe. Wow. That's all I can say, really. Wow. I honestly don't feel like I've accomplished much career wise, aside from having a fulltime job in publishing (that really isn't what I ever expected my first job in NY to be), I've moved THREE times (jesus) and I've gained 25 pounds. Humph. HOWEVER, my quality of life (as they say) has improved significantly. I'm completely retarded for Joe, I've met some AMAZING (and totally talented) people who've become great friends--mostly thanks to Joe and kickball, and I'm happy. I can see myself here in NY for a while and I'm okay with that. And that is something I couldn't say in Birmingham. Despite my longing for nice weather, greenery (parks dont count) and hiking trails, I'm fairly content, aside from my current lack of closet space. April also means that I will be heading back down south for the big NASCAR race, where I'll get my Southern fix.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Spring is here...bring on the Kickbrawls

It's been months since I've posted, I know, but a lot of shit has come to light, man. And I've been busy. Now that the weather is warming (aside from the random flurries we had here in NY this morning), I'm sure I'll be posting more on a regular basis. In the meantime, April means it's kickball season again! So, I have a few video clips from highlighting last year's biggest kickball brawl to entertain you until I return with more dish. Enjoy. It's quite amusing--you can even spot Joey V watching the chaos unfold.

Here's another one. Not quite so silly. Made by my friend Ruth.