Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Thank God February is Over....

This past month was gruelling, hence my lack of updates. I've been extremely reclusive, sort of seasonally depressed and far too busy with work for words. Though it doesn't feel like it right now, I'm hoping March will bring 1) better weather (though it's friggin' 14 degrees out as I type this) and 2) a little bit more free time. I've been so exhausted with work and freelance junk that I just can't seem to cut a break. I can't wait for Spring to finally set in. At any rate, February highlights DID include seeing a live theatrical version of Patrick Swayze's (and Keanu!) Point Break, which was extremely comical and if you ever get a chance to see it, I highly reccommend it. I took a trip down to the the Jersey shore to visit Tiffany at Bradley Beach which was a blast and I can't wait to hang out there this summer. Her place is quite literally steps from the beach, a fact that I thought she was fibbing about simply to get my ass on a train to come visit her. It was great to catch up, sit around and get drunk on cheap wine like old times. What else...Joe and I viewed a few neighborhood apartments and decided to just bite the bullet, sign another 2 year lease on the old place and deal with our ity bity close situation the best we can by saving up to purchase a wardrobe of some sort. Our current location and the size of the apartment for what we pay is just far too sweet for us to give up for some shitty place that's half the size at twice the price. Also, we didn't win the mega millions :(

I also just found out that Clare is coming to visit from DC for a weekend, which I'm totally excited about considering I've literally not seen any of my friends (aside from Tiff and Allison) in SO long that I need to start being social again. In addition, I just discovered that I will be attending the Emmy nominations (Daytime, that is) next Wednesday morning at the ass-crack of dawn. It will certainly be a snorefest, but interesting so i'm kind of diggin on the fact that I'll be there with the rest of the blood-sucking media circus shoving tape recorders in actors faces so we can be the first to get their "I just got nominated" reactions. We are leaches. It's pathetic, but it's my job.