Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I am poor....and i'm alright with that.

That is why I joined a gym today! I've never paid for a gym membership before in my life (one of the perks of my previous job). Anyhoo, i'm pumped. I can actually take a class called "Afro-Latin Funk", but i'll probably just stick to the treadmill. ALSO, my coming to terms with the fact that it's impossible to save monies in NY and that I'm totally poor and always will be has prompted me to use what meager savings I have to FINALLY book Joe and I tickets to B'ham for Talladega weekend. Done and DONE! I'm so excited I can taste the Dreamland BBQ. So mark it, dudes. April 28-May 1. And I am totally making a list of food stops for the long weekend. FonFon (if I get the chance), Dreamland ribs, fuckin' TAJ INDIA!, and I've got a craving for the shrimp and cheese grits at Cosmos brunch like no fucking other right now. Plus the prospect of great weather makes me smile. Hee! Anyone know who's playin' the Nick that weekend? Holy Shit, it's gonna be insane..

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Naughty by Nipples

Okay. I got my nipples pierced. Now the world knows. Why? Why not? I wanted to do something, you know, different...but I'm not ready to do the tattoo thing so I thought I'd do another piercing (or two), which I haven't done since my 21st birthday when the bitches got me drunk and took me to have my tregis pierced at that ghetto pierce/head shop on 9th Ave in Columbia. Ha! Memories...Anyway....yeahhh. I'd make a great topless stripper with my new accessories. And I must say, they look damn hot. That is all.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nothing says "You Rule" like an expensive box of silk-screened chocolates!

Joe is the best!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The freelance article from hell continues to haunt me

This news does NOT make me a happy girl. I'd do the hotlink, but I'm too lazy and frustrated.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Okay, okay....an update

I guess I'll take this blizzardy snow day to update. Seriously, there are like 20 inches of snow in Central Park right now.

So the past week has been completely insane. The new job is um....stressful, at best. It's not really what I expected and there is ALOT to learn and a lot of shit to be done that I didn't quite expect, but our clients (and our books) are amazing. I really do think that once I get into the swing of things there is tons of potential. However, there is absolutely ZERO creativity involved. Ahh well...sacrifices I suppose. There's really not much to share at this point except that after having this job, I will know how to operate (money, books, kissing ass, everything) a small business like a fucking pro. I do think that I will miss the writing though. Anyway, my boss is kind of an old hippie (she used to write for Rolling Stone for christsakes) and the office enviornment is totally laid back which I love and it's so nice to not have to report to a cubicle every day, even if the benefits aren't great and the pay is meeeh. B&W has spoiled me for life. Fuck.

On another note. Turns out, I will NOT be moving again after all. Due to some unexpected circumstances with another "future boy roommate", Joe and I will be staying in this little humble apartment alone together for at least another year...which I kind of prefer actually. It's nice and comfy. I totally dig our situation. He's the fucking best.

Also, WEEDS is offically (now that Arrested Development is off the air--ps: the 2 hr. finale was hi-larious!) the BEST FUCKING SHOW ON TELEVISION HANDS DOWN! One episode in and I was completely hooked like a tween taking her first bong hit. If you ever have a chance to watch Showtime, make sure you find this show and watch it. It's smart, funny, endearing, and Elizabeth Perkins (well, Mary Louise Parker, too) is AMAZING. I pray the second season is as stellar as the first.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Best Part of Waking Up...

Is having The Bangles "Walk Like an Egyptian" pop up as the first song when you turn on your iPod. Hee!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This cannot be good...

You know you've got the corporate cubicle hump day boredom blues really bad when Gawker doesn't even update frequently enough for your compulsive blog browsing.

The best part of this weekend....

Turducken Bowl (or, an excuse to eat three types of fowl and get rowdy drunk during the Superbowl). It's one of the boy's traditions. Mmmmm....meaty.

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