Thursday, June 01, 2006

Deep Thoughts with Red....

Not really, that's just the first thing I thought of whilst writing the title to this entry, which has no real purpose other than to say that 1)I better be getting a fucking raise..and soon or my summer is going to blow (I actually made more temping than I am now) AND 2)Said raise will allow me to make a trip out to Vegas or somewhere in Mexico for my birthday--at least this is what i'm hoping and/or save enough to head back down south in October for my dearest Terri's WEDDING. Although I am somewhat disappointed that she is popping my wedding cherry (so to speak). I was kind of grateful for the fact that I am 25 years old and have yet to be invited to, participate in , or even attend a wedding of a close friend. Way to go,'re the first and you've likely opened the flood gates to wedding insanity for the next few years. However, I must say that I am partially responsible for T's wedding, by having been the one (er, half of the ill-fated duo of me and a former crazyass Bama bf) who formally introduced her to her soon-to-be-hubby Alex. Jesus, that is weird. Hopefully, however, I won't have to go through with the bridesmaid brouhaha any time soon, like my dearest Clare who has recently discovered the headache of finding a dress that fits appropriately. I was unaware of such an issue. This is how truly unaccustomed I am to the whole wedding thing, and which in my opinion, are entirely overrated. Just get people together, do the goddamn thing, and have a big drunken party, already!!

Wow.... that sort of, unexpectedly, turned into a rant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to "pop your cherry" so to speak. But you are totally responsible!!! Regardless, I hope your raise comes through so that you can come. I know your dying to spend your money to come to Alabama!

10:05 PM  

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