Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Reflections upon my inability to find a job

I have come to the sad conclusion that I am just an average writer, editor, journalista (or whatever the hell I am) in a city full of exceptionally talented people of the same profession who have Ivy league degrees and loads of contacts. I have neither. Either that or 1) I just don't care enough (which might not be too far from the truth since I am a fairly apethetic person) or 2) I'm going about the applying to these jobs all wrong without knowing it or 3) They say (ok, well, Carrie Bradshaw said) in New York you can't have all three major aspects of your life line up and work out at the same time...the great apartment, the great boyfriend, and the great job. I'm doing great on 2 of 3 so that could explain it or 4) I'm just not meant to do what I think I am and need to just admit defeat and move on. With those factors in mind, the boy and I have contemplated starting a smut site for quick and very easy cash... and you think I'm joking....I have $30 in my bank account.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Danielle! You are one of those exceptionally talented people, and if you think you're not, you're crazy. You are right about the Ivy-League bias in New York, though, and I've always agreed with that particular Carrie Bradshaw theory, but damn, girl, you are too good of a writer to be giving up. I think we need to have a chat...I'll call you this evening.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dannielle, girl I can't believe your saying that about your self, you are a good writer from what iv'e seen. Believe me when I say that, you are one of the most talented writers i have seen and besides 8 months isn't nothin, as long as your still eating and have a roof over your head. As for the other thing it does bring in quick cash, but don't do something you'll regret later sweetie.

8:31 AM  

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