New Years Wrap-up
My splendid New Year's Eve went a little something like this: Wanna look hot at friend TJ's semi-formal NYE affair, hastily purchase a pair of cheap heels one half-size too small to wear with little black dress from high school senior prom (yes, it's that old and that classic), realize said black dress is a little snug these days, vow to limit beer consumption and do more crunches in 2006, fret about what to wear to look hot, arrive at boyfriend's house, realize (once again) that he has amazing style and ALWAYS looks better than me, throw a minor fit at the hotness of my bf and my lack thereof, listen to his excuse of his good style being the only decent result of working at Polo for three years, pour myself a stiff drink, eat a slice of pizza, watch three episodes of Arrested Development, fret some more about attire, pour another drink, decide on shirt, shirt decides to snag and rip a huge hole, fret more, begin consuming Sparks, loose interest in being hot, boy decides a tank top with exposed black bra is hot, I decide to agree, finally choose outfit, drink more Sparks, arrive at TJs, eat yummy foods, mingle with dozens of college friends, compare cleavage with college friends, drink more Sparks, take pictures, laugh at my Sparks mouth in said photos, drink more Sparks, leave for big gay hipster dance party, wait in line for 30 minutes, freezing, start to regret wearing the heels to a dance party, realize cover is $30 instead of advertised $10, curse the doorman, head to bar, squeeze past dozens of coked out hipsters, begin to long for illegal drugs, head to bar, discover Red Stripe is not free, begin to consume Budweiser, pick spot near front of stage, DJ spins some 80s, begin to feel great, dance, dance, kiss boy, dance, have photo taken, dance, "oh my god, is this CC Peniston?," drink more Bud, dance, drink, can't believe Outcast's Heya is the last song playing before the ball drops, ball drops, kiss boy, dance, drink, dance, stumble out of club, walk forever to find a cab, take heels off in drunken rage, walk more, hail cab, drunk frattie steals cab, walk more, find cab, go home.
Ok, Im going to show you how sheltered I am, what is Sparks and
what are Red Stripes?
Sparks is my favorite orange-colored Sweetart-flavored malt beverage...Red Stripe is cheap Jamaican beer.
Now that was a detailed post!
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