Monday, January 09, 2006

If you don't recognize me in 3 months..

It's because I've puffed up like Mariah Carey (really, she has..) or * insert your fave fat celebrity here* . The boy is going to make me a fat cow because his fave hobby is cooking. And not only cooking but cooking extremely rich, wonderful, flavor-infused dishes that I absolutely cannot resist. This is what I have to look forward, suffer through, every day now. Last night he attempted to make rissoto for the first time ever, and it was AMAZING. Portabello and sweet italian sausage rissoto, a fantastic side dish/dip of chevre, ricotta and lemon (served with crusty french bread) and an appetizer of fresh mozerella, tomatoes, and basil. Sweet Jesus. Pair that with 3 big bottles of cheap red wine and I was done. That's it. The crunches begin tonight. They must.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK already, now you gotta bring that boy home, heck your making me hungry. lol


8:23 AM  

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