Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Here is the deal.

I am a nomad. I've only been living in NY for about 8 months and I'm already moving on to my 3rd residence...with a 4th just around the corner. So, for all of you who care (or don't care) about my whereabouts, I'm giving you the info anyway. Mostly because I'm bored here at work without any projects to do, and because I've been extremely lackadaisical with The Great Job Search of 2006.

Monday I spent all day helping the boy clean his apartment for my pending arrival...which will hopefully be finalized by Sunday. Closets are being cleaned out, drawer space made, kitchen floors mopped. Yep. I'm moving back to Astoria. Then, in March, I'll be moving with him yet again into a spacious (hopefully) 3 bedroom pad with 2 other dudes. It'll be the quartet of all drunken/perverted quartets I tell you. There has even been talk of installing a kegerator......i'm doomed. Or at least the thought of working off my beer gut in 2006 is. So why all the moving you ask? Why not I say! Plus, I'm poor and this is cheaper. Also, I get to see the boy every day. Adventures and shenanigans will ensue. Here is a fabulously drunken group photo of the future roommates and me.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to need to come and visit this apt. Any house with a kegerator is a house that I need to party in! Living with boys! Crazy!

12:13 AM  

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