Monday, September 19, 2005

Something about that just doesn't seem right...

Friday night I was waiting for a friend at Union Square and this woman with her daughter walks up to me and asks me for the time. Then she said thanks and asked if I'd ever had a psychic reading. Ummm. Didn't you just ask me for the time? Anyway, she said she sensed I had a very positive aura and said she could tell that things in my love life were picking up and going to be great..and I quote: " Don't worry. Sometimes you feel like you give too much and don't get any in return, but just relax. Things are about to change for you, and it will be amazing." Huhm...interesting. Then she told me for $5 I could learn more. Yeah, that's what I thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well ... you must have had a good aura then! or was she just crazy? glad to hear you had a superb birthday dan... talk later. bye now-

12:32 AM  

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