Monday, September 18, 2006

Best. Birthday Weekend. Ever.

Here's a "best botched surprise party ever" birthday recap for any of you who are intersted. I'll post pictures tonight probably.

So Friday was an extremely shitty day. The weather sucked and I had been receiving emails all throughout the day from my friends saying they wouldn't be able to join my planned b-day gathering at the beer garden (for various reasons). I was bummed and by the end of the day I just wanted to home and take a nap but Joe told me to meet him at his office after work and we would go to our favorite adult toy store (ha!) and he'd buy me a gift. After schleping through the rain and through the obnoxiously tourist-friendly and very crowded neighborhood in which he works, I arrived even more disheveled and pissed, but instead of heading home to get out of my extremely soggy jeans, he told me that we couldn't go home yet and that we were going to pick up my birthday cake. Cake? What? I was even more upset (but admittedly excited about eating a Mrs. Fields cookie cake with my name on it). After throwing a fit, Joe informed me that we were NOT going to the beer garden at all and that he had planned a surprise gathering (well, sort of) at a BBQ joint in the city and later told all my friends to meet us at this honky-tonk bar RODEO for cheap beer and country music. I was shocked (and kind of pissed that he ruined the surprise) but it was awesome and everyone showed. The Pink House girls FINALLY reunited. And even if he did ruin his own precisely planned surprise for me, Joe totally gets a gold star for this. And the cookie cake was incredible (the was okay...)

Saturday night Chewy took me to get the mani/pedi combo and we partied till the wee hours at the annual Kick Ball. Get it? It was surprisingly fun and my feet still hurt from all the dancing.

On Sunday Joe made me a fab frittata for breakfast (with a very stiff screwdriver on the side) and we headed down to Atlantic Ave. in Brooklyn for the largest street fair of the bourough. No open-container laws, loads of cheap beer and street meat. Needless to say, we spent the entire day there getting hammered and eating delicious shwarma sandwiches. Joe also bought a marionette. Don' ask. Anyway, I think we stopped by McCarren park to say hi to some kickballers before trekking back home, but I can't even remember that much. We did eventually arrive home and proceeded to take advantage of some drugs and more booze and I think I literally passed out at 11:30 p.m. It was a perfect day. And weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe was so cute about organizing it, too. Every time you'd send out an e-mail about your birthday bash, he's send another one like 5 minutes later that said, "Remember, don't do this!" I wish I could've been there, but hopefully we'll have (almost) as much fun this weekend!

1:48 PM  
Blogger danielle said...

oh hell yes we will!! I'm excited. And i need to get some party favors!

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He invited all the columbia bunch? FUN! Are the bham girls coming soon tooN?

9:59 PM  

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